Tuesday, October 24, 2006

introduction 2 thinking about the job

I woke up late, about 8:30 am, and looked, from my bed, up and out the uncurtained window at a golden line highlighting the edge of the lifting fog.
I sat up and turned off my CPAP machine, put on my NHS framed plastic lensed computing glasses, went into the writing room and turned on my MacBook Pro computer, I brushed my medium long grey hair and tied it back into a pony tail using today a pink wrapped elastic band, and logged on to the Mac OS.
Then, whilst the machine completed its start-up procedure and got my emails, I entered the bathroom, washed my face and my navel and brushed my teeth and, still stark naked, passing the hall mirror, which used to hang in my mother's bedroom, I glimpsed a bearded fat mountain of a man, with youthful untanned skin, seventy years old and festooned with ballooning soft lard hanging on big bones and strong muscles.

I sat down, logged on to Blogger Beta and began to write this.

8:57 and now at last the sun shone brightly on the white painted wall papered concrete walls of my writing room, and I stood up and placed the sun screen, improvised from a packing case sheet of corrugated cardboard, against the window glass.

9:20 and I have finished editing the above putting in the commas, adjusting the word order, taking out the passive and the present tense verbs.
Six minutes later, still re-reading and editing, I started reading my prose aloud and spotted more spelling mistakes. I clicked the ABC icon to use the google spell checker

289 words written out of a projected 2000 for today - I had to start up Microsoft Word 2004 for Mac vesrion 11.2 (060202) and copy paste the above, and use the menu >> tools >> (sixth line down) word count
9:50 time for breakfast and google calculator says 2 000 / 289 = 6.92041522 which means six hours work to be done

11:30 am continuing in edit mode:-

I breakfasted in my kitchen on cold rice, a carrot, my pills, and nearly a liter of lemon tea.
cash flow problems mean I have run out of coffee, bread, skimmed milk, cottage cheese and rolled oat , but because I am indoors I am not losing much weight because my metabolism slows down.

I have been distracted by my emails and mad a couple of GENEALOGE blogs using the blog this button in FireFox , and so I am going to take a bath, a lunch and a walk with my camera and do a little shopping - I need coffee.

When I get back I will do some photo blogging. both new and historical - I have some victorian stained glass pictures to upload and finally update all the side bars of the new and the old blog templates to make the cross links

But I still need to write 1500 more words here.
after shopping

I have been doing my email and posted some images to
photographs and walks


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